Tag Archives: reasons to handwrite



We live in an era where the world is descending into chaos and confusion, where we are so absorbed in our realities that we don’t have much of anything to appreciate each other, to remember someone by and memories to cherish when we are old and tired. We can’t do much about the chaos in the world but the least we can do is to create some beautiful memories for our loved ones and take some time from our busy routines to tell our loved ones that how much we appreciate having them in our lives by using handwritten letters.

Now a days, our communications are electronic and they pretty much doesn’t mean a lot to us. They are rarely notable. The cost less convenience of sending a text message and email in a few seconds have made us somewhat heartless and boring. Whether you are trying to express your fondness to your loved ones, express gratitude to your friendships, impress your potential boss at work or simply stay in touch with your loved ones, here are 6 reasons why should you use handwritten letters.

1- They Create Beautiful Memories to Cherish Later:

When you associate an event with something it is engraved in your mind as a memory. Receiving a handwritten letter is not less than an event in a world of Facebook and Email. Handwritten letters create beautiful memories in your mind and in your folder, of course if you are fond of keeping them. How many of you feel happy when you find a post card or old letters hidden somewhere in your closet? I am sure we all do. Handwritten letters create beautiful memories that you can cherish when you are 70, share with your grandchildren or simply sit by the tree and remember old times by looking at old those handwritten letters.

2-They Provide a Personal Touch to Your Writings:

Personal handwritten notes are growing rare day by day. Electronic Communications have lost their personal touch. When you see the same words with same fonts and styles written in social media or somewhere over the internet a lot of times, you can’t feel connected to those words. Handwritten letters add a personal touch of belonging to your communications. They make you feel connected to the person. How would you feel if someone tags you in a Facebook post saying “Thank you for being in my life!” or “Happy Birthday!” in contrast to a handwritten letter or a note saying the same. It would surely mean something.

3-They Help You Score a Job or to Attract Potential Customers:

Jennifer Lawrence shared a story about scoring a role in The Hunger Games movie. She says:

“How do I let the director know that how obsessed I am and willing to do anything for the movie? Like, I wanted to write this one director a letter, so I wrote him a handwritten one.”

She ended up getting that role because director must have seen her dedication for acting. To score a job and to show your potential boss how dedicated you are to work, you should use handwritten cover letters with your resumes.

Similarly, you should use handwritten letters to advertise about your services. Through your unique and dedicated style, customers will be surprised and will be sure that it’s a not a scam service and may end up using your services.

4-They Express to Your loved Ones their Importance in Your Life:

It is a beautiful feeling to know that someone really cares about you, that you are their priority and you matter in their life. Your handwritten letter will send a clear message that:

“I have a plenty of time for you in my life!” and that “You matter! “

5-They Revive Old Times:

There is something precious about the old times that the modern technology fails to provide. During older times, people used to keep in touch by handwritten letters. They used to share their life miseries as well as pleasantries by writing handwritten letters to each other. We should send a handwritten letter to our parents or grandparents once in a while to give them a surprise and sense of joy that they used to experience in the past.


6-They Serve as a Unique Gift:

If you send someone a handwritten letter it would be cherished more than any expensive gift. Things can be brought but sincere feelings for someone are priceless. Handwritten letter will deliver your sincere sentiments towards the recipient of the gift.

The need of using handwritten notes and letters is greater today more than ever. They are the next closest thing to personal visits. They are tangible and real. Letters mean more when handwritten rather than when written in Arial Font 10.

We provide excellent handwritten solutions in extremely affordable rates. We will do the handwriting for you, you just need to provide us your letter content. We will send you the handwritten document via Email all you have to do then is to takeout the print and deliver.