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A Journey of a Thousand Miles

It’s been quite a while that we are providing handwritten solutions to our valuable customers, all over the world. We think that now is the time for us to share some insight of our whole journey with our customers, up till this point in time. All great ideas come accidentally. Same thing happened with us. We initially started our services about two and a half years ago. Back then we were offering real handwriting. We received an order to hand write 500 letters. It was really difficult for us to hand write 500 letters. So, we thought why should not we automate this process of handwriting since world was moving towards automating almost everything. Eventually, we took the initiative and started our research. We wanted to provide a unique solution which nobody else was providing. At the time, different handwritten looking font styles were available. But the problem with using the fonts is that every instance of a font letter looks identical. They are certain and predictable. Handwritten looking fonts are easy to recognize and they only leave fake impression of handwriting. We wanted something which was more surprising and unique. We started analyzing how different people write. We did some deep research in the domain and it took us very long time than we anticipated to come up with an algorithm that gives more natural handwriting impression to your typed notes/letters. After developing the algorithm, we developed our software so that people can benefit from our capabilities all over the world. With our software application, we have no problems of fake handwriting impression. Instead, every word is unique and different from the rest. There are no two identical words. This is because, instead of using fonts, our algorithm generates unique style of handwriting for each word that is typed. Today, we are going to provide you a glimpse of how our algorithm works, so you can see how much we have worked hard to be here and how much we care about providing almost real handwriting solutions to our valuable customers.
We start with what happens behind the screen when you try to handwrite a letter. Our algorithm generates a letter corresponding to each typed word. First of all, a typed letter is hypothetically represented in an empty canvas with the horizontal grid lines (like the red box with the black, green and orange horizontal lines shown in the image below).

Then, the grid of the horizontal lines is used to align the generated letter in a correct position so that all letters are exactly in-line with each other. But the problem arises when different letters are merged together to make a word. In our previous versions, we have been using the approach where we calculate the maximum width of a letter and mark the left most and the right most position with a tool we call a “marker”. You can see the round grey and yellow markers in the left most and the right most positions of the letters in the image shown below.

After marking each letter individually, we close the gap between the left most marker of one letter and the right most marker of the next letter and then align both of them vertically in a line like shown below.

If we hide the markers, the output would be somewhat like this:

Although this technique solved the problem to some extent and our imaginary word looks nice and each letter looks unique, yet there is something wrong with the gap between some letters. Like, the gap between g and T and then T and q is too big to look natural. Most of us would have stopped here, having achieved this is a big thing we agree, but we are so passionate about our handwriting solution, that instead of stopping here, we did our best to overcome this obstacle by creating our amazing service that can generate original looking handwritten documents.
After a while, we started our research again. We asked a lot of people to do handwriting for us, so that we can identify some pattern out of it, which would help us to improve our algorithm. After spending years on this, we finally came up with the better way to do this. We would like to call it “Smart Markers”. Now, remember when the kid starts to learn writing, he starts to imitate words on the special kind of notebook. The notebook has grid of 4 vertical lines that has 3 sections to represent a letter. The kid is told to write each letter in these sections only. Similarly, in our case we have the upper section, middle section and the bottom section which are represented in the image shown above by 1, 2 and 3 respectively. In the image above ‘b’ and ‘T’ are represented in the upper and the middle sections, whereas ‘c’ is represented in the middle section only and ‘g’ and ‘q’ are represented in the middle and the bottom sections. At first, we used to place markers anywhere in the three sections, but then we realized that the gap between the letters can be closed better by merging the letters only in the middle section. It is easy to see when you hear it but very difficult to spot at first. So, we restricted our markers to the middle section only. These are our Smart Markers. Now, if we mark only the leftmost and the rightmost positions of all the letters with Smart Markers only in the middle section, then we will get the output of the following sort:

If we vertically align the rightmost and the leftmost marker, then our imaginary word output would look somewhat like this:

A preview of our imaginary word would be somewhat like this:

As you can see, that the gap between the letters doesn’t look unnatural, this is due to our Smart Markers. Due to them, our imaginary word looks more unique and more real.

Now, that we have described our story behind Smart Markers on our imaginary word, which by the way was drawn from the mouse for the sake of explaining our algorithm, you can see the effect of Smart Markers in the writing generated by our software in the image shown below.

As you can see, in our latest version (v we have launched Smart Markers. The difference is clearly visible between the handwritten words written with different versions of our software. The words written with the help of our Smart Markers look more natural and more unique, than those written with the simple markers. We believe that we have improved our software with Smart Markers to produce more natural looking handwritten solutions. This all became possible after many years of our effort. Now, it all seems like a journey of a thousand miles, as we like to call it. We have put our all expertise around handwriting into play, and we have created this software that allows us to provide high quality service, thus keeping our clients from the past and gaining the attention of the potential ones. Our clients are open-minded and are willing to try new things. If you also are one of those who are willing to try new things, then have a look at the services that we provide at Handwritten Solutions. You will only benefit from our amazing services. We would like to thank our amazing clients because without their support, our amazing journey wouldn’t have been possible. After all it is all about you.

Use Handwritten Letters to Celebrate Valentine’s Day Differently This Year


St. Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Each year on 14th February, many people around the globe exchange cards, flowers and other gifts with their special “valentine” in the name of St. Valentine. There are different stories about who was St. Valentine and how this day came into being. History suggests at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred. One legend suggests that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he made marriage illegal for young men. Valentine, realizing the injustice with young men defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine’s actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he should be put to death.

According to another legend, an imprisoned Valentine actually sent the first “Valentine” greeting himself after he fell in love with a young girl (possibly his jailer’s daughter) who visited him during his imprisonment. Before his death, it is said that he wrote her a letter signed “From your Valentine,” an expression that is still in use today. Although the truth behind the Valentine legends is ambiguous, but all the stories portray his character as a sympathetic, heroic and most importantly a romantic figure. Because of him Valentine’s Day is largely celebrated in the United States. In addition to the United States it is also celebrated, to some extent, in the United Kingdom, Canada, China, Australia and France.

This day began to be popularly celebrated around the 17th century. By the middle of the 18th, it was common for friends and lovers to exchange handwritten notes to express their fondness to each other. It was an easy way for people to express their emotions in a time when direct confession of one’s feelings was discouraged. I bet that most of the people have those letters/notes saved even now. They are saved in a box under the bed, hidden in the very corners of their closets or in the manila envelopes which are worn and ragged out at the edges. Whatever the container you will find the same thing inside – a collection of old handwritten letters – this is what that remains of their lives when they were young, beautiful and in love.


We live in a world where technology has taken over human landscape. I’ve heard a lot of people complain about how technology has taken the personal connection out of things. We barely talk to our parents and relatives. We have more friends ‘online’ than in reality. Those who would like our Facebook posts once in a while and that’s it. We don’t even know who our neighbors are. It’s easy for us to type out things then to say them out loud. Everything now is about convenience and speed.

We have forgotten that the real relationships take time and effort. Who among us doesn’t appreciate the personal gesture, the idea that someone made a real effort on our behalf, rather than just spending a couple bucks for a card, some flowers or a box of chocolate? Any gesture of affection is lovely, but to really remain in your loved one’s mind and heart for more than 10 minutes is something amazing.

So, this Valentine’s day do something special for your loved ones. Revive the old times. Send them handwritten notes/letters accompanied with maybe some flowers and a box of home baked chocolate cupcakes. This will definitely make them special.

How to handwrite your Letter with our special offer:  

Some of us really want to handwrite letters but we think that we can’t manage on our own, the note wouldn’t come out clean, there would be spelling and grammar errors etc. This is where Handwritten Solutions help you. Although you are willing and capable to do it on your own but you want to make it perfect. You can type the content of the letter in any editor which will take care of your grammar and spelling mistakes, then copy from the editor and paste it here in the content field. Here are few other things you need to know to avail this special offer:

When you click on the link. This page will appear:


In the passphrase field you need to type “Valentines2016” without quotes (like in the screenshot above) to get access and be able to get your letter handwritten.

You can change the color and style plus you can do additional settings as well like change paper width and height, background color, spacing between fonts, font size etc. under additional settings to suit your needs.
Once you have the content written in the content text area, you need to use “Download PNG” button to get the image of your handwritten letter. It would be something like the image shown below.


After that you just need to take out the print of the image and send it to your Valentine. Although we usually do this for our customers only, but we have especially made this feature free for those people who are not our registered customers, to spread love and happiness this Valentine’s Day. It’s free to use by everyone. Please feel free to use it and let us know about your Valentine’s Day in the comments.

Odds are, that letter will be one of the receiver’s most cherished possessions for years to come.

Also check out what we offer to our customers at Handwritten Solutions 

Handwritten Solutions wish you a very Happy Valentine’s Day!



We live in an era where the world is descending into chaos and confusion, where we are so absorbed in our realities that we don’t have much of anything to appreciate each other, to remember someone by and memories to cherish when we are old and tired. We can’t do much about the chaos in the world but the least we can do is to create some beautiful memories for our loved ones and take some time from our busy routines to tell our loved ones that how much we appreciate having them in our lives by using handwritten letters.

Now a days, our communications are electronic and they pretty much doesn’t mean a lot to us. They are rarely notable. The cost less convenience of sending a text message and email in a few seconds have made us somewhat heartless and boring. Whether you are trying to express your fondness to your loved ones, express gratitude to your friendships, impress your potential boss at work or simply stay in touch with your loved ones, here are 6 reasons why should you use handwritten letters.

1- They Create Beautiful Memories to Cherish Later:

When you associate an event with something it is engraved in your mind as a memory. Receiving a handwritten letter is not less than an event in a world of Facebook and Email. Handwritten letters create beautiful memories in your mind and in your folder, of course if you are fond of keeping them. How many of you feel happy when you find a post card or old letters hidden somewhere in your closet? I am sure we all do. Handwritten letters create beautiful memories that you can cherish when you are 70, share with your grandchildren or simply sit by the tree and remember old times by looking at old those handwritten letters.

2-They Provide a Personal Touch to Your Writings:

Personal handwritten notes are growing rare day by day. Electronic Communications have lost their personal touch. When you see the same words with same fonts and styles written in social media or somewhere over the internet a lot of times, you can’t feel connected to those words. Handwritten letters add a personal touch of belonging to your communications. They make you feel connected to the person. How would you feel if someone tags you in a Facebook post saying “Thank you for being in my life!” or “Happy Birthday!” in contrast to a handwritten letter or a note saying the same. It would surely mean something.

3-They Help You Score a Job or to Attract Potential Customers:

Jennifer Lawrence shared a story about scoring a role in The Hunger Games movie. She says:

“How do I let the director know that how obsessed I am and willing to do anything for the movie? Like, I wanted to write this one director a letter, so I wrote him a handwritten one.”

She ended up getting that role because director must have seen her dedication for acting. To score a job and to show your potential boss how dedicated you are to work, you should use handwritten cover letters with your resumes.

Similarly, you should use handwritten letters to advertise about your services. Through your unique and dedicated style, customers will be surprised and will be sure that it’s a not a scam service and may end up using your services.

4-They Express to Your loved Ones their Importance in Your Life:

It is a beautiful feeling to know that someone really cares about you, that you are their priority and you matter in their life. Your handwritten letter will send a clear message that:

“I have a plenty of time for you in my life!” and that “You matter! “

5-They Revive Old Times:

There is something precious about the old times that the modern technology fails to provide. During older times, people used to keep in touch by handwritten letters. They used to share their life miseries as well as pleasantries by writing handwritten letters to each other. We should send a handwritten letter to our parents or grandparents once in a while to give them a surprise and sense of joy that they used to experience in the past.


6-They Serve as a Unique Gift:

If you send someone a handwritten letter it would be cherished more than any expensive gift. Things can be brought but sincere feelings for someone are priceless. Handwritten letter will deliver your sincere sentiments towards the recipient of the gift.

The need of using handwritten notes and letters is greater today more than ever. They are the next closest thing to personal visits. They are tangible and real. Letters mean more when handwritten rather than when written in Arial Font 10.

We provide excellent handwritten solutions in extremely affordable rates. We will do the handwriting for you, you just need to provide us your letter content. We will send you the handwritten document via Email all you have to do then is to takeout the print and deliver.